I don't know today! The most complete honey identification method, simple and practical


In everyday life, honey can be used not only as a healthy drink, but also as a seasoning, its sweet and delicate taste often amazes others. Honey is also very rich in nutrients, it is not only rich in protein, protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. D., As well as a variety of human nutrients and is a good natural supplement.

Many people often worry about the quality of honey when buying honey and are especially concerned that they are buying artificially bought honey. This type of honey is not only useless, but also harmful to our health. How to distinguish between real and false honey? We will recommend this from all points of view.

First, look at the color

In the true sense, the color of honey is lighter, yellow or amber, while counterfeit honey is generally darker and even unnaturally dark brown. In fact, the color of honey is associated with the source of honey, as well as with the storage time, but, as a rule, it is not too dark.

Second, the smell

Genuine honey has a strong aroma, and fake honey, as a rule, does not have this taste. In addition, there is fake honey, which can add spices to make the taste heavy but unnatural.

Third, look at the material

In the true sense, the honey material is thicker, and it can also form a thin and long honey line on the spoon. Fake honey is usually thin and not easy to stretch. In addition, real honey becomes more and more sticky after freezing, and fake honey will not have these changes (instead it will be more rigid).

Fourth, drip paper method

Drops of honey on white paper, honey in the true sense of the word will gradually penetrate, it is a slow process, and white paper has an irregular stain. Fake honey often quickly penetrates the paper, creating ring spots such as water stains.

Fifth, fire test method

Drop a little honey into a bowl and use a frying stick over a fire. Fake honey will have obvious sparks. It is a state of burning caused by sugar when it collides with fire, but it is not the case for natural honey.

6. Look at the solubility

When real honey is easily dissolved in water, a dissolved and cloudy dissolved liquid state may appear, but the impurities will not precipitate, and the fake honey will precipitate and dissolve slowly. Because some artificially added starches, syrups and other ingredients can make honey more sticky and real.

Density measurement

This is a very professional measurement that can be determined by accurately measuring the density of honey. Generally speaking, the density of real honey should be between 1.42 and 1.44, while the density of fake honey is relatively low. However, this method should use special equipment and technologies that are not suitable for working at home.

8. MRI

Magnetic resonance resonance is a new technological technique that can be determined by comparing the molecular formula in honey. In the true sense, honey will show some specific data signals on the magnetic resonance image of the source, while fake honey usually does not have such data signals. However, this method should use special equipment and technology and is not recommended to be carried out at home.

In general, the distinction between true and false honey requires some theoretical knowledge and methods. You can closely observe the color, smell, material and solubility, etc. D. For comprehensive analysis. But the best way is to choose a famous brand of honey with an ordinary reputation or buy honey from a reliable source of information to ensure quality and safety.

In addition, everyone should know some of the basics of honey in order to better determine the authenticity. For example, different types of honey have different colors, taste and materials, and users can distinguish between true and fake honey based on this characteristic. In addition, pure honey will produce crystals as the temperature decreases during storage. This is normal. Customers should not guess the truth because of honey crystals.

Honey has many benefits, it is usually recommended to drink two to three cups of honey water a day. In addition, when choosing honey, you should choose genuine pure natural honey to avoid buying counterfeit and low-quality products and even products harmful to the body. In addition, enough nutrients in each body growth process are different, and there will be different honey to drink together.

Keywords: I don't know today! The most complete honey identification method, simple and practical